
Aker ASA (AKER) er et industrielt investeringsselskap, og utøver aktivt eierskap. Aker representerer finansiell styrke og industriell kompetanse. Målet som aktiv eier er å være en strategisk motor i utviklingen av robuste og verdifulle operative selskaper. Aker er en pådriver i strukturelle prosesser og gjennomføring av industrielle transaksjoner, oppkjøp og fusjoner og rendyrking av virksomheter. Dette skaper verdier for aksjeeierne, kundene, medarbeiderne og samfunnet.

Hjemmeside: www.akerasa.com


The net asset value ("NAV") of Aker ASA and holding companies ("Aker") increased by 20.4 per cent in the third quarter to NOK 34.7 billion (NOK 467 per share), compared to NOK 28.8 billion as per 30 June 2017.
The Aker share increased 19.3 per cent in the third quarter. This compares to a 12.1 per cent increase in the Oslo Stock Exchange's benchmark index ("OSEBX").

"Aker continues to generate attractive returns to shareholders. Since the re-listing on Oslo Stock Exchange in 2004, Aker has delivered 27 per cent annually, dividends included. In the third quarter, we added another NOK 5.9 billion to our NAV," said Aker President and CEO Øyvind Eriksen.

The value of Aker's Industrial Holdings portfolio increased to NOK 36.0 billion in the third quarter, from NOK 30.2 billion at the end of the second quarter. The value of Aker's Financial Investments portfolio stood at NOK 5.6 billion at the end of the third quarter, compared to NOK 5.8 billion as per 30 June 2017.

Aker held NOK 3.4 billion in liquidity reserves as per 30 September 2017. Cash and liquid fund investments amounted to NOK 1.6 billion at the end of the quarter, down from NOK 2.1 billion as per 30 June 2017.

"It is truly a privilege to have the financial strength and courage needed to build strong business enterprises throughout industry cycles. An increasing cash dividend from our portfolio companies enables us to do so. This year we will receive more than NOK 1.5 billion in upstream dividend to Aker and next year we expect even more," Eriksen said.

The value-adjusted equity ratio was 83 per cent, compared to 80 per cent as of 30 June 2017.

The full report and presentation can be downloaded from www.akerasa.com.


Net asset value (NAV) is Aker ASA's core performance indicator. Aker is an investment company with a majority of listed companies in its portfolio. Therefore, NAV is a more relevant indicator of the development of Aker's underlying value than the company's consolidated accounts.

Interim report

23.11.2017 08:04

Aker Capital AS ("Aker"), a wholly owned subsidiary of Aker ASA, and Oceanwood Capital Management LP ("Oceanwood"), have entered into an agreement to establish a company for the purpose of bidding for the shares in Norske Skog AS ("the Company"), a subsidiary of the listed Norske Skogindustrier ASA, in an auction process. The Company is the holding entity of Norske Skog's operating subsidiaries. Oceanwood is a creditor in the Company, and holds all of the NSF securitisation facility and a majority of the senior secured notes (the SSN). Aker and Oceanwood will be 50/50 owners of the new company.

After Aker has presented its Q3 results at Fornebuporten, at approximately 09:30 CET, Oceanwood and Aker will be available for a Q&A session.

Joint press release

Aker invited into the restructuring of Norske Skog
En time etter at Aker og Norske Skogindustrier slapp sine kvartalstall kom det en ny børsmelding fra Aker.

Der kommer det frem at Aker, sammen med hedgefondet Oceanwood, vil by på aksjene i Norske Skog AS, datterselskapet som eier fabrikkene til det børsnoterte selskapet Norske Skogindustrier ASA.
FORNEBU (E24): Torsdag morgen ble det kjent at Aker og kreditoren Oceanwood har slått seg sammen for å overta Norske Skogindustrier operative virksomheter.

11.12.2017 19:01
Aker ASA: Kristian Røkke appointed as Chief Investment Officer

Aker ASA ("Aker") has appointed Kristian Røkke as its Chief Investment Officer
effective 1 January 2018. Mr. Røkke is currently the Chief Executive Officer of
Akastor ASA ("Akastor"), a publicly listed oil service investment company, and
will be succeeded by Karl Erik Kjelstad from 1 January 2018. In connection with
the transition, Mr. Røkke will resign from Aker's Board of Directors, but
continue as a Board member of TRG Holding AS, Aker's principal shareholder.

Aker will propose to the nomination committee of Akastor that Kristian Røkke
assume the position as Chairman of the Board of Akastor from the next Annual
General Meeting.

Kristian Røkke (b. 1983) has comprehensive experience in offshore service and
shipbuilding from several companies in the Aker group. He holds an MBA from The
Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania and is both a Norwegian and United
States Citizen.
Aker Biomarine, som er heleid av Aker, kjøper det israelske krillselskapet Enzymotec for 26,4 millioner dollar, tilsvarende 208 millioner kroner, skriver DN onsdag.
Aker Energy, et joint venture mellom Aker og TRG, har inngått en avtale om å kjøpe Hess' interesser i Ghana for 100 millioner dollar, ifølge en børsmelding mandag.
De ansatte i Aker Energy fikk fredag den dystre beskjeden på allmøter i selskapet: Pecan-feltet er utsatt på ubestemt tid.

Aker Energy er eid av Kjell Inge Røkke og Aker i fellesskap. Røkke er også største aksjonær i Aker fra før.