FRO Frontline Ltd.


Frontline Ltd. (FRO) is a major, Bermuda based, tanker company. As a result of the acquisitions of vessels and companies since 1996, Frontline Ltd. has established itself as the world leader in the international seaborne transportation of crude oil, with one of the world's largest fleets of VLCC and Suezmax tankers.


FRO - Third Quarter and Nine Months 2017 Results

Frontline Ltd. (the "Company" or "Frontline"), today reported unaudited results
for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2017:

* Reports a net loss attributable to the Company of $24.1 million, or $0.14
per share, for the third quarter of 2017, primarily due to weak average spot
daily time charter equivalent ("TCE") earnings achieved by our fleet and a
$5.8 million loss on the termination of the charter of Front Ardenne.

* Reports a net loss attributable to the Company adjusted for certain non-cash
items of $23.1 million, or $0.14 per share, for the third quarter of 2017.

* Reports net loss attributable to the Company of $16.4 million, or $0.10 per
share, and a net loss attributable to the Company adjusted for certain non-
cash items of $9.4 million, or $0.06 per share, for the nine months ended
September 30, 2017.

* Terminated the long-term charter for the 1997-built Suezmax tanker Front
Ardenne in the third quarter of 2017.

* Took delivery of five newbuildings, including two VLCCs, one Suezmax and two
LR2/Aframax tankers in the third quarter of 2017.

(Klikk på lenken ovenfor for å lese mer).

Frontline går for skrubbere: – Det økonomiske argumentet er veldig attraktivt

Minst 14 skip i John Fredriksens flåte vil få installert renseteknologi. Det kan bety store innsparinger når nye regler trer i kraft.

Skipseiere verden over står i disse dager overfor det samme dilemmaet:

Enten må de forberede seg på dyrere drivstoff fra 2020, når nye reguleringer av svovelinnholdet i bunkersolje trer i kraft. Eller investere i såkalte «skrubbere», innretninger som renser skipenes utslipp for svovel når de går på vanlig drivstoff.