Philly Tankers AS (PHILLY) was established in June 2014 to provide major oil companies and other end-users with modern tonnage and offer investors pure play exposure toward the Jones Act tanker space. In August 2015, Philly Tankers entered into definitive agreements with a subsidiary of Kinder Morgan, Inc. (KMI) for the assignment of its shipbuilding contracts and certain related assets.
Philly Tankers is listed on the Norwegian OTC and is majority-owned by Philly Shipyard ASA, a leading U.S. commercial shipyard constructing vessels for operation in the Jones Act market.
Hjemmeside: (For info, se hjemmesiden til Philly Shipyard ASA ovenfor)
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Philly Tankers is listed on the Norwegian OTC and is majority-owned by Philly Shipyard ASA, a leading U.S. commercial shipyard constructing vessels for operation in the Jones Act market.
Hjemmeside: (For info, se hjemmesiden til Philly Shipyard ASA ovenfor)
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