Photocure ASA: Landmark Blue Light Cystoscopy with Cysview® study is published in the Journal of Urology
Oslo, Norway, December 8, 2017: Photocure ASA (Photocure, PHO: OSE), today
announced that the official Journal of the American Urologic Association (AUA),
the Journal of Urology, published the BLFCC Efficacy results from a Phase 3
trial investigating the efficacy of Blue Light Cystoscopy (BLC((TM))) with
Cysview(® )for surveillance with a flexible cystoscope. In 20.6 percent of
patient's recurrence was seen only with BLC with Cysview and missed with WLC
Out of the 304 patients in the study, 103 were referred to the Operating Room
for suspicion of recurrent bladder cancer. Of these, 63 patients were confirmed
as having malignant tumors. Forty one percent of the patients with malignant
tumors were confirmed as having CIS (Carcinoma in Situ), the most aggressive and
difficult to detect and treat type of non-muscle invasive bladder cancer
(NMIBC). Importantly, 34% of these patients were detected only with BLC with
Cysview (p<0.0001) but were missed with WLC.
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Photocure med resultater fra studie - hegnar.no
Photocure har publisert resultatene fra en fase tre-studie av Blue Light Cystoscopy (BLC) med Cysviewen i Journal of Urology, går det frem av en børsmelding. Studien viser at 20,6 prosent av pasienters tilbakefall kun ble oppdaget med BLC med Cysview og ikke med WLC.