SIOFF Siem Offshore Inc

Selskapet melder i dag at det har bedt sine banker om låneendringer:

20.11.2017 08:19

In preparation for an extended downturn in the offshore supply market Siem Offshore Inc. (the "Company") has issued a request to its banks for instalment relief and certain other changes to its bank loan facilities to ensure that the Company is able to service its debt obligations through the downturn.

Secondly, the Company will issue notices for bondholder meetings in the two unsecured bond issues SIOFF01 and SIOFF02 for the bondholders to consider a proposal where the bonds will be exchanged at 80% of par value to a convertible bond with five and a half years maturity, 2 % cash interest and a NOK3 conversion price.

At the same time, the Company is considering strategic alternatives for its cable lay business Siem Offshore Contractors GmbH and is in negotiations with a potential buyer for this business. The outcome of these negotiations is not yet known and there is no certainty that a transaction will take Place.

Siem Offshore ber bankene om hjelp - er i samtaler om salg -

Offshorerederiet tar grep for å forberede seg på en forlenget nedtur i offshoremarkedet. Er i forhandlinger om salg av virksomhet.
Den allerede tyngede offshorebransjen er inne i en ny krise etter det kraftige oljeprisfallet i år.

For Kristian Siems Siem Offshore, som nylig måtte be kreditorene om krisehjelp, fortsetter pengene å renne ut av selskapet, med et tap på driften på 25 millioner dollar, eller over 250 millioner kroner, i årets første kvartal.